78254 Weather forecast (San Antonio)

Check out the weather in 78254, San Antonio for today, tomorrow and the next 14 days
Date Temperatures Weather Wind
Wednesday, November 13 30 ° / 16 ° Overcast Overcast 4 Km/h
Thursday, November 14 26 ° / 10 ° Clear Clear 9 Km/h
Friday, November 15 26 ° / 11 ° Clear Clear 5 Km/h
Saturday, November 16 22 ° / 12 ° Overcast Overcast 8 Km/h
Sunday, November 17 25 ° / 15 ° Overcast Overcast 7 Km/h
Monday, November 18 24 ° / 19 ° Patchy rain possible Patchy rain possible 30 Km/h
Tuesday, November 19 24 ° / 14 ° Clear Clear 19 Km/h
Wednesday, November 20 18 ° / 9 ° Clear Clear 26 Km/h
Thursday, November 21 20 ° / 7 ° Clear Clear 15 Km/h
Friday, November 22 23 ° / 8 ° Clear Clear 12 Km/h
Saturday, November 23 18 ° / 11 ° Overcast Overcast 27 Km/h
Sunday, November 24 22 ° / 7 ° Clear Clear 8 Km/h
Monday, November 25 26 ° / 14 ° Fog Fog 15 Km/h
Tuesday, November 26 27 ° / 15 ° Mist Mist 7 Km/h

78254 (San Antonio) weather in the next 14 days - FAQ

What will the temperature be in the 78254 (San Antonio) during the next 14 days?
The temperature will range between 30° C and 18° C. The hottest day in the next 2 weeks will be on November 13 and the coldest on November 20.
Will it rain at 78254 (San Antonio) in the next 14 days?
Yes, there will be around 1 days with rain and an overall rainfall of 0.4 mm.
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